Your Case Study -TBOT

Background: A HealthCare company that specializes in healthcare solutions was struggling with their website stability and performance, leading to a decline in sales and a negative impact on the customer experience. The company was aware that digital transformation was necessary to address these challenges and remain competitive in the marketplace.

Solution: The company partnered with 1ARK with expertise in digital transformation, including stability and performance improvements. The provider first conducted a comprehensive assessment of the company's existing infrastructure and systems, identifying areas of weakness and opportunities for improvement.

1ARK proposed a digital transformation plan that included the following key components:

  1. Infrastructure modernization: The provider recommended modernizing the company's infrastructure by migrating to a cloud-based platform that offered scalability, flexibility, and improved performance. This would also reduce the company's dependency on legacy systems that were prone to failures and outages.
  2. Performance optimization: The provider identified several bottlenecks in the company's website that were causing slow page load times and negatively impacting the customer experience. The provider recommended implementing a Content Delivery Network (CDN) and optimizing images and other media to reduce page load times and improve website performance.
  3. Stability improvements: The provider implemented a proactive monitoring and alerting system to identify and address potential issues before they impacted website availability. This included implementing automated scripts & validation framework to perform regular system checks, user acceptance tests and patching security vulnerabilities.

Results: After implementing the proposed digital transformation plan, the healthcare company saw significant improvements in their website stability and performance. The company's website availability increased from 70% to 99.9%, resulting in a positive impact on sales, customer satisfaction and task completion. Additionally, the company's page load times improved by 50%, resulting in a better customer experience and increased conversion rates. The company also saw a 20% increase in overall sales and 300% improved Net Promoter Score (NPS) from their customers.

Conclusion: By partnering with 1ARK that specializes in digital transformation, this HealthCare company was able to address their challenges with stability and performance and achieve significant improvements in their overall sales experience. The company's investment in digital transformation not only resulted in better website performance and stability but also positively impacted their bottom line and customer satisfaction.

The Challenge

Our healthcare customer faced challenges with system stabilization during peak season, resulting in low website availability of 75%. They partnered with 1ARK to improve stability by 10% for their member logins. In addition to stability, the customer also faced challenges with site performance and member abrasion.

The Solution

The healthcare company was able to improve its performance and stability to over 95% with the help of 1ARK over the last two years. We identified and addressed infrastructure bottlenecks and helped transition legacy applications to modern ones. These efforts resulted in an overall improvement in the website's performance, allowing for better task completion and a higher Net Promoter Score (NPS) for all digital assets.

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